Express Entry Draw: 29th March 2023 (Ninth Draw of 2023)


Express Entry Draw: #245
Total Number of Invitations: 7000
Minimum CRS score required: 481
Date of Draw: 29th March 2023
Program Specified: No Program Specified

On the 9th draw of 2023,is mostly similar to the last express entry draw. Again Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have sent 7,000 ITAs. This time, a candidate with the lowest score of 481 will receive an ITA on his profile, which is 3 points less than the last draw.

Canada Express Entry System

The Express Entry system is the best pathway for International Workers to move to Canada. It covers the following three programs to help expatriates make Canada their permanent home :

Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
Federal Skilled Trade Program (FSTP)
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

OINP Express Entry Draw:

On 23rd March 2023, OINP sent a Notification of Interest(NOI) to 746 skilled trade workers having a minimum CRS score of 489, where most of the invitations were sent to the following Major groups:

72 Technical trades and transportation officers and controllers
73 General trades

Saskatchewan Express Entry Draw:

On 23rd March 2023, SINP conducted an Expression of Interest draw to 496 immigrants, where 312 invites were for occupation in demand, and 184 were for Express Entry. Immigrants through these 2 streams should have an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report.

Manitoba Express Entry Draw

On 23rd March 2023, Manitoba province sent 566 letters of Advice to Apply (LAA) through the following streams:
Stream / lowest CRS score
Skilled worker (occupation-specific) 612
Skilled worker (all occupations) 672
Skilled worker (overseas) 708


On the #245th express entry draw, the Canadian immigration department sent 7000 invitations to apply for new immigrants. In the last week, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba provinces sent ITAs with express entry profiles and a valid job seeker validation code.