Express Entry Draw #277 | 670 Invitations For Transport Occupations

Details of Express Entry Draw #277

Express Entry Draw: #277
Total Number of Invitations: 670
Minimum CRS score required: 435
Date of Draw: December 20, 2023
Program Specified: Transport occupations (2023-1)
Tie-breaking rule: August 30. 2023 at 17:30:21 UTC

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced its #277th Express Entry Draw for skilled workers specialising in a particular transportation field like Railway, Water Transport, Aircraft assembling or a similar field.

On December 20, 670 candidates received an Invitations To Apply from the Canadian government, where a candidate should score a minimum C.R.S. score of 435 or above. If you are applying as a transport worker for Canadian PR, ensure you have mentioned the vaid job seeker validation code and Express Entry profile number in the Express Entry Pool.

The last express entry draw announced for trade occupation was September 20, 2023. Express Entry Draw #264 issued 1,000 invitations to apply where the minimum C.R.S. score required was 435. The C.R.S. score has not changed from the last draw, but invitations have decreased.

N.O.C. Codes for Transport Workers | 277th Express Entry Draw

You need an N.O.C. code to apply as a transport worker for Express Entry. The N.O.C. code will help Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) assess your education, skills, and experience against the program requirements you're applying for.

Major Groups for Transport occupation
Occupation Category For Transport Workers

Invitations for Transport Workers

With the latest express entry draw 277, IRCC has specifically mentioned 10 National Occupational Classification unit group codes and Occupation titles, which have received an Invitation to Apply (ITA).

NOC Codes For Trnsport Occupation
NOC Codes For Transport Workers Express Entry 277

The above table shows that a mix of transport workers, from truck drivers to managerial-level occupations in transportation, are getting invitations from the Canadian government.

Suppose you have a Bachelor's Degree in Aviation Maintenance Management, Master's Degree in Aviation Safety, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) or a similar course/degree and have relevant experience in a similar field. In that case, it is the best time to apply for Canadian PR through the express entry system.

Last 2 Express Entry Draws for Transport Occupation

Draw Date Immigration Program Total Invitations CRS cut-off
277 December 20, 2023 Transport occupations (2023-1) 670 435
264 September 20, 2023 Transport occupations (2023-1) 1,000 435

The Canadian government has made a plan to develop transportation in Canada. Transportation 2030 is our plan for a national transportation system that supports economic growth and transportation jobs in Canada.

Transport Occupation express entry draw
Transport Workers Express Entry Draws 2023

The above chart suggests more competition for places in the latest Express Entry Draw 277 than 261 since the minimum CRS score required is the same for each draw, but the number of invitations has decreased.

It's important to note that this chart only shows data for the latest two Express Entry draws in 2023. The number of invitations issued and the CRS cut-off score can vary significantly from draw to draw, so it's important to check the latest information from IRCC before applying.